Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Living the Dream!

Our first "official" night of the new Spring Series was last night, and it went GREAT!

It was awesome having Jeff Chandler back to lead worship. He is a genuinely nice guy who loves the Lord and offers his talents in such a humble and gifted way. Make sure you check out his MySpace page to listen to his music and see where he'll be next. If you're looking for a worship leader or a singer for a concert/event, you'll want to consider Jeff. (

We also started a new thing that I'm looking forward to. We're having a different C4C Volunteer MC each week. You'll have a chance to get to know our amazing volunteers as you hear from different ladies each week. Last night, we kicked it off right: we had my MOM, Beth Turner, as our MC, and she did a great job!!

Next week, Debra Courtney will be leading us, and you don't want to miss it! Debra is one of the most sacrificial and humble women I've ever had the privilege to know. She's been with me since the beginning of C4C and is hardly seen because she is always helping by serving in Childcare. I want each of you to get to know her and give you a chance to thank her for her incredible contribution to C4C.

Our first session introduced our newest series, "Living the Dream." If you missed it, I'll tell you a couple of points we made to lay the groundwork for where we're headed:

1. Everyone of us struggles to find and maintain balance and wholeness. You are not alone in this struggle.

2. God has a purpose and plan, i.e. a God-sized dream, for each and every one of us. No one is left out!

3. We are all created equal: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical. When we live life in this order, we will come to find greater balance and wholeness. Often times, though, we live "upside down" and this leads to chaotic and unmanageable living.

4. The war is not that I don't measure up or that I wasn't dealt a fair hand in life, the war is in my understanding of my identity.

5. My understanding of my identity will determine for me those things I will "bow to" and those things to which I will not.

We recorded the teaching segment and will have that available soon.

Next week, we'll have a great time as we look at the Physical part of who we are and what we can begin doing now to become more intentional to take care of the bodies that have been entrusted to our care and stewardship. You won't want to miss it!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Living the Dream!

On Tuesday, March 30th, we'll begin our series "Living the Dream." As women, one of the things we most struggle with and strive for is finding, cultivating, and maintaining balance, am I right? If you know this to be true in your life, please know that you are not alone!

We are going to spend the next 7 weeks together on a journey to finding greater balance in the 4 areas of what makes up our lives: The Spiritual, The Physical, The Mental, and The Emotional.

I hope you'll take some time out of your schedule to carve out an hour or two to spend getting refreshed and rejuvenated, as well and encouraged by what God's Word teaches us about "Living the Dream" i.e. That "abundant life" we were designed to live! Far deeper and much more satisfying than luxury, prosperity, perfect health, or idealized life: God has something REAL for each of us.

This Spring's Series will be our launching pad for our Fall 2010 Series, "Dreams Really Do Come True" based on the life of Joseph found in the Old Testament. You don't want to miss a moment of the fun!! Bring a friend, bring your dinner with you, and enjoy an evening with the Chicks at Church 4 Chicks Tuesday evenings through May 11!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Series 2010 is off to a GREAT Start!!

Our Adorable (and De-lish!) Cake

Many, many heartfelt thanks to ALL who made last night not only a big success, but SO MUCH FUN!! I really do believe I get to serve alongside of some of the greatest people on the planet, and I am SO thankful!

Ryan Floyd is such a genuinely nice guy--he really is! He did a fantastic job leading us in worship and helped to make the night even more fun with his great sense of humor. Make sure to check out his website and order his CD if you haven't already purchased one.

Aimee Powell and Stephanie Lee--WOW. What can I say? They were amazing! Both of these ladies, who admit themselves are polar opposites, were both genuinely real and opened up their lives to each of us. I think the funniest thing was when Aimee saw Stephanie pick up her iPhone during our talk and said, "Are you texting??!!" Too funny! I think one of the greatest things they shared with us, though, was that they've both learned to be who God has made each of them to be. A great launching point into what we'll be looking at in our newest series.

We got to catch up with girlfriends from past C4C Sessions and make some new friends as well. I am so excited about getting the new teaching series underway this coming Tuesday, March 30th! Our topic is on finding balance and wholeness to live our lives in such a way that we are in the right position for God to give us HIS God-sized dreams for us.
Make sure you come next Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. for "Chick Chat" time: Bring your own meal and enjoy dinner while chatting with your chick friends before start the main event at 7:00.

Also, if you haven't done so already, please make sure you join our Fan Page on Facebook where you can interact with others connected to the C4C Ministry--not only here in Atlanta, but around the nation. You'll also see the latest pictures and have an opportunity to stay in touch with all of us right there while you're logged into Facebook. We're also on Twitter and you can find links to both of these sites on the side panels of the blog.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today's the Day!!!!

Have you heard?


Tonight's the night and you don't want to miss it!

We're meeting in The Loft* at Cumberland Community Church. Doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner (AKA "Chick Chat") begins at 6:30 and is a first come-first served, so be on time! :-) You can also "BYO" if that works better for you.

We are so excited, and have been praying fervently for each of you and for this brand new series! Scroll on down to see more, have a great day, and we'll see you TONIGHT!!

*The Loft at CCC is not handicap accessible. If this presents a problem for you or anyone in your group, please let us know.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Series Sneak Peak...

Join us for 8 Tuesdays to learn what Jesus was talking about when He said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10b The Message)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Cruise Chics with Shelley Hendrix

PRICES ARE GOING UP MARCH 15TH! We are 75% sold out!
Call today to reserve your spot, 404-388-3358 or

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How sweet is this?!

Mac and Aimee Powell are the proud new parents of their baby girl, Birdie Claire.
Doesn't this just melt your heart?
You don't want to miss hearing from Aimee on March 23, 2010 at our Spring Kick Off of our new series, "Living the Dream" at Church 4 Chicks!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Don't forget!!

Hey everyone!

Here's a friendly reminder about our exciting event coming up in less than TWO WEEKS!!

You won't want to miss our SPRING SERIES "Living the Dream~ Learning to Live out of Who God says I am" beginning MARCH 23 @ Cumberland Community Church in Smyrna, GA.

On March 23 We will kick-off our series with special guests:

"The Real Housewives of Third Day"

featuring Aimee Powell...

and Stephanie Lee

Aimee and Stephanie will be with us to discuss how they find balance and wholeness in their busy lives as wives and moms, who just so happen to be married to the guys of Third Day.

We'll enjoy dinner together...

fun prizes (as always!)...

Girl talk...
Some shopping...

An introduction to the spring series...

AND a great Q & A time with Aimee and Stephanie.

Don't miss it!!

Our series will run for 8 consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in The Loft at CCC. Cost is FREE and we will take up a love offering each week which enables us to pursue the vision of reaching our city for Christ, one woman at a time!

You can post YOUR question(s) to Aimee and Stephanie on the comment form!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Be Who You REALLY Are!

If you find yourself dealing with the pull to be something you're not, in order to gain the acceptance of someone else (perhaps even God), I hope you'll take a few minutes to consider what Paul had to say to some real people who had to live real lives--just like us:

Galatians 6:4-5

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

~The Message

"Who you are"~Notice that Paul said that it's really important that each one of us takes responsibility for finding out who we really are. And how can we do this? By finding out who GOD says we are! ...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Any Dreamers out there?

I cannot wait. I repeat, I cannot wait until we get to kick off this spring's Church 4 Chicks' series with each of you!!

We are going to be spending 8 Tuesday evenings together looking at practical and REAL life ways of "Living the Dream" that God has for us. This will be a Part 1 so-to-speak series, as we'll continue with this theme in the fall when we (finallly!!!) get to do our character study on the life of Joseph. I cannot wait!! Have I said that already?

Don't forget to post your questions for The REAL Housewives of Third Day!! If you prefer, you can email them instead:

We want to hear from you, so send us a note on the blog comments form or via email!!

Don't forget to tune in to Atlanta Live tonight from 7-9 p.m. est on (or in the Atlanta area on Channel 57/Comcast Channel 2) and/or tomorrow morning from 7-9 a.m. est.

Thanks everyone!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Really looking forward to seeing and being with everyone on the 2010 Spring Series of Church 4 Chicks beginning March 23, 2010! See you there!!!