I cannot even believe our 8 week session together is already over! This marks our 4th completed season of Church 4 Chicks. Wow--God truly is so very good! I'm amazed that I get to be a part of such a unique and wonderful ministry.
Spring Ministry Outreach Update...
If you hop over to our Facebook page here you can see a few of the photos taken at last night's event. It was such a sweet time together, especially since some of our amazing "Chicks" brought such yummy treats to help us in our celebration of another successful season of ministry and our housewarming party for HopeQuest Ministries' Women's TREK Program House. (That's a mouthful!) All of the chicks really came through. We had so many great things to give to the ladies to take back home with them to help beautify the residence.
If you were not able to participate, please feel free to go to Target or its website and use the registry under the name "Church for Chicks" (It wouldn't allow us to use the #4). This will give you the info on having any items sent directly to HopeQuest. Also, gift cards to Target, Wal-Mart, Lowe's and Home Depot, along with Lifeway and Family Christian Stores are also great items that will help us continue to minister to a place where they stand by their slogan, "Save a Life, Save a Family." YOU can be a part of this in such simple, small ways that truly make a bigger difference than you realize.
And, that's not all!!...
On Saturday, May 15, we're going to meet up over at the HopeQuest Campus from 9-4 to do some work around the house to help make it feel like more of a home for these amazing women who live in the house while they go through their recovery program at HopeQuest. We'll do some painting, organizing, decorating...and whatever else Debra tells us to do! :-) Even if you're only able to give an hour or so of your time that day, please come on out. It won't just be work, it'll be FUN!!
If you need directions, please email Kay@Church4Chicks.com And she can get that info to you, as well as help you with other questions you might have. One question we've gotten a lot is if men are allowed to come over to help--YES! All help is welcome and so very appreciated.
Summer Nights are coming!!
Although we won't be meeting weekly, you can still see your Chick friends once a month during the months of June, July, and August. We will meet on the 3rd Tuesday evening of each month. June will be a Girl's Night Out theme, so get ready for some FUN!! I can't wait to see you all in a few short weeks!!
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