Wednesday, October 7, 2009


If you were at Church 4 Chicks on October 6th, I think you know what I mean by the title of this post. God definitely chose to show us His favor by being a very felt presence among all of us. I am overwhelmed that I get to be a part of what HE is up to in our city! If you were there, and would like to share a personal word of testimony about how God is using C4C in your life, please go to the comments form at the bottom of this post. We would all be so encouraged to hear from you!
I plan to do a video update in the next few days, so make sure to check back, but I wanted to let you know that on October 13th we get to have HEATHER MANGUM back at Church 4 Chicks!! If you've never heard Heather on radio, tv or at Church 4 Chicks, check out her website (by clicking the picture link below) and listen to her, read about her, and get to know her a little. You will be SO blessed by her music and her life. She is a gifted and authentic young wife, and mother of one adorable little baby girl, and worship leader who happens to be able to sing the stars down! You will LOVE her!

I will be teaching about how Wisdom Protects--we all long for security, and God's wisdom will provide this for us through various ways. On October 13th, we'll look at how wisdom protects us by helping us establish godly, healthy boundaries which will help to establish needed balance in our lives. Need balance? (MY hand is raised!) Come check out what God's Word has to say on October 13th at Church 4 Chicks!

Don't forget, we'll also hear from "Sophie" again and we'll also have the fun "Chick-Chat" time beginning at 6:30--so grab dinner on the way and come eat with your girlfriends before we begin our program promptly at 7 p.m.!

See YOU at Church 4 Chicks!

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