Friday, February 28, 2014

Relational First Aid by: Cheryl Laurenza

 Psalm 30:5 ..."weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning." NIV

Have you been in a valley, a so called "dark night of the soul" that seemed to go on and was relentless? My former pastor used to say “you’re either in a storm, coming out of a storm, or heading into a storm." This life has many seasons, some are fun, rewarding, exciting, and others are deeply painful, confusing, and lonely. The enemy uses these to put us out of commission. It has been said that discouragement is one of the sharpest tools used against Christ followers. We are warned in scripture about these tactics and exhorted to be alert.

We also need comfort, care and support. It seems we have been taught the above which is truth, yet most have left out that which ministers to the soul as well as mind. We must put on the armor, we must tell ourselves the truth, yet it's not all about what we do, it's about what He does, He holds us, shelters us, and uses others to remove our aloneness. Remember Job's friends? When we are in a pit of despair, grieving or feeling hopeless, we don't need to be given a "spiritual pep talk," we need to know we are cared for, heard and understood, then we might receive the truth given. Jesus understood this clearly as he cared deeply for people.

So let's choose to be the love of Christ, care for the hearts of people, not just that they think right, that's out of order. Jesus loved on and accepted people that gave him a platform to speak to their hearts and minds which then had eternal ramifications. I believe part of what brings "joy in the morning" is having people who care about us there in the "night" who show us his love and walk through these times with us. It's our choice to do likewise, it is messy and we may find we are blessed by giving to others in this way as well as they are.

Blessings, Cheryl

Cheryl Laurenza, MA, LPC, NCC
The Refuge Counseling Center, LLC
3211 South Cherokee Lane
Suite 640
Woodstock, GA 30188
P: 678 693 2281
F: 888 971 3910

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