Monday, February 17, 2014

Uniquely Designed On #Purpose ~ by Debra Courtney

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Your Unique Design is Perfect for Your Unique Purpose
Debra Courtney

“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”
(Phil 4:13.) MSG

Potential is determined by the design of something. The bird can potentially fly, the fish can potentially swim and you...? Our potential is intricately woven into our unique DESIGN and our unique design is crafted according to our — PURPOSE. We come packaged with all the gifts, talents, aptitudes and abilities necessary to engage into our life purpose.

As believers, we have something extra. I like the Message translation; “Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” (Phil 4:13.) MSG

Paul was speaking about the peculiar demands and hardships he engaged in his calling. He could have said, “Whatever I have, wherever I go (my purpose) in the One (Christ), (the anointing) who makes me who I am!” We are uniquely designed to flow with a certain "anointing" or divine enabling that comes from heaven. We are triune beings (spirit, body, soul) we have to be that whole person (physical, spiritually, emotionally) our Creator made us to be or we will always be lacking something. We will live with a hole in us; something missing. Never getting to experience all that we were created to be.

Romans 11:36 says: “Everything comes from Him; (design) Everything happens through Him; (purpose) Everything ends up in Him (anointing)”. MSG

Because God provides for His purposes, but not necessarily our plans, the tight places of our life often involve the mistakes we made. We have all made bad choices, wrong turns, and been in a hurry. But God factors in grace for this as well.

He told Abraham to leave his home town – alone, but Abraham left with Lot and his entire family and entourage. Eventually this led to strife and it caused problems for Abraham. Strife comes with the stuff we added that God didn’t give us. What is hurry? Sarah is hurry. We have to look no farther than Ishmael. (See Genesis 16 for this fascinating and heartbreaking story from Scripture.) However, this same Abraham is our founding Father of faith that still succeeded and was called the friend of God!

The beauty of God’s ways is that He makes ALL things work together for good of whom? “….that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into SOMETHING GOOD.” (Rom 8:28) MSG There is no blanket promise in the Bible that all things work together for everyone….but there is a promise of everything working out for those who LOVE God and are conscientious about submitting to Him in trust and fulfilling His purpose in their lives.

We were destined and designed to succeed. We will “finish the work,” the purpose of our life, and hear “well done.” Ours is a life of destiny by a wonderful Creator. A unique design that is perfect and chosen by God for our uniquely special purpose.

What about you? How can you see God's unique designs in your own life?

How do you see His plans and purposes actively at work through your life?

Debra Courtney
C4C Blog Co-Manager/Writer

Debra’s life goal is to inspire and motivate women globally to become all they have been created and designed to be by using the guiding principles of their Creator’s word in gaining wisdom, understanding their designed-given personality identities and creating their purpose!

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