Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When They Don’t Love God Back: Intercede by @JenniferOWhite

Yeah, Beth Moore rocked my world with the “loving God back” phrase. She shared on a Breaking Free Bible study video that God prompted her to say to Him, “I love you back.” Why? We are easily distracted from the truth that He loved us first and actively loves us now.

You and I have both struggled to receive God’s love. We’ve pushed through some really hard times, crying out to Him for help. Each time He answered our “help me Jesus” cry, we experienced His love a little deeper. We saw Him caring about us and reaching toward us with help we could not muster on our own. Each answered prayer made it easier to love God back. It was a process of drawing near to God, and God drawing near to us (James 4:8). The drawing near is an incredibly beautiful cycle of love.

Do you deeply care for someone who doesn’t appear to want to live for Jesus? Are you frustrated? I have been there. Wanting them to read God’s Word. Wanting them to listen to God’s music. Wanting them to want to serve God with at least their extra moments.

It’s a healthy tension: the wanting them to want Him and not being able to make them go there. God wants you to want it and He knows it is not in your power to get them there. God’s enemy who desperately wants to keep your dear one content and complacent brings an unhealthy tension into the mix. He will encourage you to be their Holy Spirit and try to convince you that it’s your responsibility to fix this problem. He will cheer you on with thoughts and feelings that look nothing like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

It could be that they are not yet sure that God radically loves them.

How can we lovingly pursue God’s love for this person? How do we live out Gods’ purpose in this place without assuming the pressure to make it happen?

Intercession with the Words of God

Jesus is already interceding for the one(s) on our heart (Romans 8:34). The fact that you are concerned is VERY likely because His Spirit has prompted you to see the issue for the purpose of intercession.

So we partner with Jesus as an intercessor. We go to battle on his or her behalf with the only offensive weapon God offers: His Word, our supernatural sword (Ephesians 6:17) It. Has the power to cut through every idea the enemy is using to distract them from the amazing truth of God’s extravagant love.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. (NLT)

Jesus fought and won the battle declaring God’s truth in response to Satan’s schemes. He is our example. We can fight for our friends and family the same way.

In the next post, I will share with you specific prayers from God’s Word that will slice through the darkness so His light can bring life and the joy of salvation. Until then, ask God to confirm your role as an intercessor in this situation. 

Jennifer O. White is an author, speaker, and encourager to those seeking a life of hope, peace, and confidence. You are invited to join her on a brave life, marriage, and world-changing adventure with Jesus at her blog: Prayerfully Speaking.

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