Friday, April 11, 2014

Hated for Healing by: @lori_kennedy

Photo by FanPop

“My friends, don’t be surprised if the people of this world hate you.”
1 John 3:13 (CEV)

A long time ago in a land far away there was a young girl who lived with her father, her step-mother and her two step-sisters.  Her father provided shelter and clothing and depended on his wife to provide the other things a young lady might need as she becomes a woman. He didn’t understand that she needed her father’s love as he thought he was providing all that was expected and knew nothing about the heart of a young woman. Meanwhile the step-mother was all about her girls and in Cinderella’s heart; she was simply a lonely abandoned servant. At least that’s my take on this tale.

You all know how the story ends – Cinderella finds Prince Charming who crowns her a princess and removes her from her old life of slavery to a new abundant life walking gloriously in her new identity.  Her savior values her, treasures her, cherishes her, and makes a big to do about how important she is to him. 

Oh how the step-sisters and step-mother hate that she has been blessed and is highly favored.  They are green with envy that she gets to walk in wholeness without chains binding her any longer.  They can’t believe she left them behind in their wounded anger.

My friend Shelley Hendrix once said, “When you are in the midst of your God-ordained destiny, it WILL expose unhealed wounds in others. Be kind. Offer grace. But keep going.”  I could so relate with this quote as my experience mirrors the story of Cinderella in so many ways.

I was devastated when a lady who told me that I had ruined her life because hearing my story had brought up unresolved issues from her past.  You see, God rescued me from my past which included childhood sexual abuse by those in authority over me outside of my family of origin.  I lived for many years holding in the secret of abuse and believing the lie that I was not worthy.  This very lie became the perceived chains that bound me in fear and hopelessness.  Now that I am overcoming that, I must tell the world what I have found hope because I want them to walk in the same freedom that eluded me for so many years.

However, knowing that my story had hurt this lady broke my heart.  I began to question whether or not I was walking in my calling and fulfilling my God-given destiny.  I believed that my walk and talk shouldn’t wound others. Then God reminded me that healing does hurt - but only for a short while. Afterwards, the taste of freedom is incredible! Holding all of that poison inside of you is much worse! Stasi Eldridge stated in the book Captivating, “We must grieve our wounds because grief says that the wound mattered.”  Yes, your wounds matter - don't ignore them - don't stuff them - allow God to raise them up in you because maybe He's saying it's time to grieve them and throw off those chains that bind you so you can walk in FREEDOM and ABUNDANT NEW LIFE!

Have you ever questioned your calling?  If yes, have you taken it to God?  How did He respond through prayer and scripture?

Is there a lie you believe about yourself and how is is holding you back?

Do you have wounds that you need to grieve so that you can walk in freedom and abundant new life?

Christian vocalist and speaker Lori Kennedy believes in sharing the gifts and talents in which Christ has blessed her.  Authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability are imperative to touching hearts for the Lord.  As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse from those in authority over her outside of her family of origin, Lori has had to overcome much to fulfill the destiny that God created just for her! 

You can find out more about Lori and her ministry, Alpha Omega Ministries, at her website

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