Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Do You Ever Feel a Little Weird? - A Guest Post from Julie-Allyson Ieron

Photo by Amelia Grace Photography
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And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (ESV)

Do you ever feel a little weird? As a Christ-follower, I mean. As someone who is doing her best to follow in Christ’s footsteps, to live daily in a way that would honor Him. When I see people glance sideways at me, I detect in their eyes the suggestion that my weirdness quotient may be off the charts. My wardrobe selections. My lifestyle decisions. My language. My music. My reading choices. I can tell that my priorities don’t make one lick of sense to colleagues, acquaintances, even friends.

Feeling enmeshed in that blue funk this afternoon, I clicked through my YouTube favorites and listened (over and over and over) to a song that revolutionized my perspective. It was Charles Billingsley’s video of “Light of that City,” where he paints a picture of the eternal joy set before us. “On that day, we will sing, ‘Holy, Holy!’/On that day, we’ll bow down in the light.” Reflecting on that expectation, my mind locked in on a Scripture I had memorized as a grade-schooler. In this context it made more sense to me than ever before:

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. … And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:7-9

Those words helped me regain my focus and passion for just how worthy the goal of our lives is: to glorify Christ and enjoy Him forever. They reminded me that one day, we’ll be rewarded for our faithfulness by turning our eyes upward and seeing our Lord Jesus Christ in His resplendent glory. It will be magnificent. Life-altering. All-encompassing.
Most of all, for me today, it put the weirdness quotient back in its rightful perspective. I don’t live by the same set of rules as the world. It’s no wonder they think I’m wacky. In fact, it’s a backhanded compliment that can help keep me from growing weary in doing the good that I should.

Julie-Allyson Ieron has the creative mind of a writer, the heart of a caregiver, the tenacity of a journalist, the others-centeredness of a businesswoman. She has published 35 books. Her newest are, The GOD Interviews: Questions You Would Ask; Answers God Gives and: Comforting Words for Caregivers … and those they love. 

Listen in as Julie speaks to a live audience on her new book, The GOD Interviews.
Visit us on the web, and see the long list of life-changing Bible study tools included in The Julie-Allyson Ieron Bible Reference Collection powered by WORDsearch 9.0.

This article first appeared at

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