Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What’s the Sea Got to do With It? “The Sting” Pt. 3 By Debra Courtney

photo courtesy of: theres good news
“…if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say to this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.”  Luke 17:6 KJV

We know that Jesus taught about getting rid of bitterness, un-forgiveness and offenses in our lives. You probably have figured out by now that the sycamine tree was used to symbolize the detrimental effects of these attitudes in a person’s life with its deep roots that are characteristic of allowing such wicked fruit to take control of our lives even to death. Even its wood is considered to be the preferred wood for building caskets.

Let me stress this importance again: If permitted these wicked fruits will take root and it won’t be long until these attitudes will have killed our joy, stolen our peace and canceled out our spiritual life! Exactly what Satan is after; steal, kill and destroy. Read John 10:10.

It has to be the desire of our heart to really want bitterness, un-forgiveness and offenses to leave. That can happen if we apply our faith even if our faith is the size of a mustard seed to permanently eradicate these attitudes from our lives.

Once we have a made up mind to do what is necessary to permanently eradicate these attitudes from our life, we have to open up our mouth and “say” (speak) to these attitudes. We can’t think them away with our thoughts! Our voice represents our authority over what we want to happen. I take these evil attitudes seriously so when they want to pop up over and over again I take authority over them with the words of rebuke out loud with my mouth!

Make the choice to not listen to your feelings, why, because feelings are fickle. Emotions run up and down like a temperature on a thermometer, hot one minute and cold the next. It all begins with us accepting and acknowledging our own personal responsibility of these bad attitudes and “say” (speak) to those evil attitudes to go!

Commend them to go to the sea. Why?

Once we have commanded these evil attitudes out we send them “in” the sea. You know that anything planted in the sea dies. Salt water will not allow any plant to grow. Once these bitter attitudes are thrown into the sea they are gone forever! They are dead! We are not to be temporarily relieved of these attitudes but to permanently be freed from them and to never allow them to grow back. They are dead issues and cast once and for all in the sea.

So let’s allow the Holy Spirit bind up our broken heart, pick up our broken pieces strewn all over the floor, heal the bruises where we have been punched and kicked, take the “stinger” of the wasps out of our body and come out of that coffin!  Be free in Christ and live the abundant, overcoming, blessed life you were destined to live! NOW!

Debra’s life goal is to inspire and motivate women globally to become all they have been created and designed to be by using the guiding principles of their Creator’s word in gaining wisdom, understanding their designed-given personality identities & create their purpose!  You can contact Debra at
“…, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice…”
                                                      Song of Songs 2:14 

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