Friday, June 12, 2015


Bundled like an Eskimo, I darted in the drifting snow with my wooden sled to stockpile snowballs. Hands covered with wet, icy coated gloves, I meticulously shaped baseball sized orbs, enough to last a while. I began tossing them several yards away. As quickly as they left my hands, I raced through the snow to catch them before gravity forced them down. As a kid, I foolishly believed I could catch them while still airborne. Batting zero, thankfully I ran out of steam before discouragement surfaced.

Often life is lived in the same manner.  We set our sights on achieving great things. We toss out the ideas and painstakingly race full throttle ahead, enthusiastic about our hopes and dreams. At first we don’t mind missing our goals. We forge ahead with lofty expectations and possibilities. When our plans and schemes fail, however, we are forced to face reality. Our passion is not enough to realize success.

Through past failures I have learned, often the hard way, that God must be in the equation to experience lasting success and personal happiness. Disappointments become opportunities to score the next time. Working in the power of the Holy Spirit accomplishes great things for Him. Lasting happiness comes in following God’s plan for the future, not just in seizing the accolades of man.

God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper, not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future.” Wrapped into the spine of His best seller, alive and inspired words give us daily bread in a spiritual sense. We can run the race of life as winners, fulfilling our God ordained purpose. As we feed on the Bread of Life, we find the answers to life’s many problems.  We gain wisdom as we study His teachings. Jesus encourages us to keep on keeping on when life throws us a curve ball.

Pitching our desires to the One who never misses a catch enables us to comprehend how to live victoriously in Christ. Using His plumb-line for our dreams and desires, we cannot fail. Trial and error is the name of the game which ultimately leads to abiding in Him, fully surrendered, ready to accomplish His plan for our lives.

Psalm 103:13-14 reads: “As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him, He knows our frame, He remembers that we are dust.”  He understands and forgives us, never disappointed when we fail. He will always be on the sidelines, cheering us on, on to new beginnings, in our quest to make our mark in the pages of our history.

Thank you, Lord, for being the catcher of our dreams. Thank you for inspiring us to stay the course when the thought of quitting overshadows the victory we have in You. May others be pointed toward You as they witness the evidence of Your presence in the things we say and do. In Your Grip, Amen

Laura Havens is a retired claims professional, now reclaiming her bucket list of to-do’s buried in the well of “someday.” Hoisting her bucket of unrealized dreams, she plans to pour out inspirational pieces, including a memoir, and sunken poetic treasures. Laura resides in Woodstock, Georgia, a transplant from New York, and is a prayer partner for Church for Chicks Prayer Team. She is an officer and writer at Christian Authors Guild and is published in their 2014 group book, Relief Notes. Laura enjoys writing, reading, and spending time with family, especially with her teenage granddaughter and tween grandson.

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