Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Beginnings - By Cheryl Laurenza

Amelia Grace Photography

Is 43:18-19 Message

"...Forget about what's happened;
don't keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand–new.
It's bursting out! Don't you see it?
There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands."

I've been praying, meditating and thinking about what it means in God's economy to move forward, press on, not dwell on the past etc. It's clear that the focus must be on trusting in the Person, not the circumstances. I've had much help and clarity from practicing this, and I say practice because I often do not get it right...but there's grace for that:) 

January gives us a clear line in the sand to mark this change in focus if we don't allow the enemy to get us focused on how we've failed, been failed or feel ill equipped for the journey ahead. We can't just erase our memory, nor should we push unhealed hurt or grief down deeper. It's about perspective, as one writer said we look at where we have come from (which is usually quite a climb already that we have achieved) rather than looking at how far we have to go as that will quickly overwhelm and paralyze us. It's what you focus on like when you're rock climbing right? You don't look back or down, you don't look at the top, but at the next hand or foot hole right? (not that I have done this in the physical sense-yet :)  

 We have no idea what's coming up, yet we only have to take that next step, even better, He is the foot and hand hole or spike. We need only follow the guide whose gone there before and who stands ready to help us one step at a time. We have to move forward though, we cannot go rogue and expect we know how to "fix or manipulate" our situation as this usually fails and causes more fall out and we lose ground.  

So if you're feeling discouraged, depressed or down, I want to encourage you to look up, keep moving, if you come to a fork in the road- take it as you are gently led. I saw a quote from Spurgeon that blessed me today let me paraphrase..." I often find myself in a dark place of depression just before God moves in my life or ministry." It may be that you are on the threshold and the enemy knows this. This year, let's all agree together to focus, look up, and be aware that we are being, held, led and supplied. Our future is bright, even though we may not see it now.  

Walking with you all,

Cheryl Laurenza, MA, LPC, NCC CPCS, ACS 

The Refuge Counseling Center, LLC
3211 South Cherokee Lane
Suite 640
Woodstock, GA 30188
P: 678 693 2281
F: 888 971 3910 


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