Monday, August 18, 2014

Efficacious Love

“This is real love--not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 1 John 4:10 

This was the summer for weddings! Chapels, barns, seaside, and riverside, I’ve witnessed them all. My favorite – a simple ceremony with profound nuptial vows. The pastor challenged the couple to love each other efficaciously. That's a mighty big word and I had no idea what it meant. The dictionary defines “efficacious” as the power or capacity to produce a desired effect. In simple terms, what you pour into something and how you pour, has an end result. The couple received the challenge to love in such a way that the results would be manifested in building the other person up, in making them a better person, a better spouse. The one loving efficaciously would receive proportionately to the degree they poured in love. I guess the premise is – love much and receive much back! This sounds great and many times efficacious love works to the benefit of both parties and the glory of God. Yet, there are those times when one person loves as efficaciously as they can, but the recipient just can't receive that kind of love, or takes advantage of it. I guess that would be a love gone wrong song for sure. I’ve experienced this in my life.

What a blessing it is to love and be loved efficaciously. I know this kind of love in my marriage of twenty four years. It has made me a better wife and partner.

I have experienced this kind of love by God. He has loved me unconditionally. His efficacious love has produced a life in me, and around me, and for me, which I would never have known. His love has caused me to love others when I didn't want to, help when I didn't want to, and release hurt when I desired to hurl back the hurt thrust on me.

There is not enough space here to fill what God's efficacious love has done in my life. People often love to get something back. This is a self centered love. But God, He loves because that is Who He is. When God loves efficaciously, the power and effect is more than we can fathom. His love for us, and in us, and through us, has the power and effect to change lives in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, churches...

Sometimes we find it hard to believe that God desires to love us with no conditions. But, He does.

Are you struggling to believe this?

Will you receive God’s efficacious love and be built up?

Who will you love efficaciously today?

Dawn Mooring is an experienced speaker, teacher, author. She has been published in THE UPPER ROOM and and Inspireafire. Dawn has counseling certification through Grace Ministries International and in women’s ministry though American Association of Christian Counselors. Her passion is to know God and His Word and to share the abundant life found in Christ. Dawn will be a television co-host on The Christian View airing September 2014. For more info, check out and

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