Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring Cleaning by: @EmilyLaney

Photo credit: Nha Le Hoan (creative commons)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. – Psalm 51:10

Well ladies, it appears that spring has finally sprung in Georgia. Winter wanted to hold on for as long as it could, but it’s finally given up and allowed the beauty of new life to come. Right now we’re seeing yellow dust on the ground, watching weather reports of thunderstorms and seeing little buds burst from barren branches. Spring is a time of reawakening and new life. Many of us freshen up our homes by cleaning and organizing. We open the windows and let fresh air come in.

And in the same way the season of Spring is a time where we freshen up our homes and reorganize, Spring can be a time of spiritual renewal as well. I think it’s easy for us to get caught up in the busyness of the day to day and forget about how important it is for us to seek out renewal and refreshing in our relationship with God. I know I get bogged down with my to-do list, obligations and stressors way too frequently. I don’t take the time to sit in the presence of the Lord and rest in His promises of new life and an easy yoke.

Seeking renewal in our spiritual lives isn’t always easy. Sometimes, just like in Spring, storms and obstacles come. Sometimes they can be pretty scary. But the renewal is worth it. The storms are worth it, because a life filled by the Holy Spirit and renewed with passion for the work of the Lord is so much more meaningful than a life lived for ourselves. A clean heart and a renewed, steadfast spirit can bring so much peace in our lives. But they can only come from an earnest request to the God who saves.

Maybe you need renewal in your life this Spring. Maybe you’re exiting a winter season where things feel stagnant and dead. Take your cares, your worries, even your apathy and complacency to God. Ask Him to renew your spirit and your mind. God is never far away from us, no matter how cold our circumstances may feel. He’s right there, waiting to renew your heart and draw you close to Him.

Emily Laney is a social worker, educator, and justice seeker.  She has worked with vulnerable populations in the United States and abroad and loves to help startup nonprofits reach their goals.  She is a Passion City Church door holder and leads a team of abolitionists at Not for Sale Georgia.   She loves her husband Brent and their rescue pup Biscuit. Sunsets and Sushi make her happy.  

You can connect with Emily on twitter @emilylaney or on her blog 

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